0  structures 7  species 7  sequences

Family: Pab19 (RF02794)

Description: Pab19 RNA


Wikipedia annotation Edit Wikipedia article

The Rfam group coordinates the annotation of Rfam families in Wikipedia. This family is described by a Wikipedia entry Archaeal H/ACA sRNA. More...

This page is based on a Wikipedia article. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.


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Table view (7 sequence regions)

Original order Download FASTA Accession Bit score Type Start End Description Species View context
AE009950.1 N/A seed 136,690 136,790 Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638, complete genome. Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638 ENA graphic
CP015520.1 N/A seed 465,743 465,642 Thermococcus piezophilus strain CDGS, complete genome. Thermococcus piezophilus ENA graphic
CP001398.1 N/A seed 1,950,614 1,950,511 Thermococcus gammatolerans EJ3, complete genome. Thermococcus gammatolerans EJ3 ENA graphic
CP002372.1 98.10 full 812,189 812,290 Thermococcus barophilus MP, complete genome. Thermococcus barophilus MP ENA graphic
AP006878.1 92.10 full 2,022,623 2,022,726 Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1 DNA, complete genome. Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1 ENA graphic
CP001463.1 77.90 full 113,357 113,460 Thermococcus sibiricus MM 739, complete genome. Thermococcus sibiricus MM 739 ENA graphic
AE009439.1 55.40 full 1,500,990 1,501,097 Methanopyrus kandleri AV19, complete genome. Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 ENA graphic


There are various ways to view or download the seed alignments that we store. You can use a sequence viewer to look at them, or you can look at a plain text version of the sequence in a variety of different formats. More...

View options

You can view Rfam seed alignments in your browser in various ways. Choose the viewer that you want to use and click the "View" button to show the alignment in a pop-up window.


Formatting options

You can view or download Rfam seed alignments in several formats. Check either the "download" button, to save the formatted alignment, or "view", to see it in your browser window, and click "Generate".

Alignment format:


Download a gzip-compressed, Stockholm-format file containing the seed alignment for this family. You may find RALEE useful when viewing sequence alignments.

Submit a new alignment

We're happy receive updated seed alignments for new or existing families. Submit your new alignment and we'll take a look.

Secondary structure

This section shows a variety of different secondary structure representations for this family. More...

You can view the secondary structure of the family using the VARNA applet. You can see more information about VARNA iself here.

Current Rfam structure

3 out of 31 basepairs are significant at E-value=0.05

G C C C Y R A A G G G G C G R A A C C R G G C G A C G G C G G C G U C G G G G G G A G G G G C A A A G C C C C R R R A U G A A C C C C G C C C U C C C C Y G G Y A Y A 5'

R-scape optimised structure

  • Colours
  •  Statistically significant basepair with covariation
  •  97% conserved nucleotide
  •  90% conserved nucleotide
  •  75% conserved nucleotide
  •  50% conserved nucleotide
  • Nucleotides
  • R: A or G
  • Y: C or U

Tip: The diagrams are interactive:
you can pan and zoom to see more details
or hover over nucleotides and basepairs.

R-scape is a method for testing whether covariation analysis supports the presence of a conserved RNA secondary structure. This page shows R-scape analysis of the secondary structure from the Rfam seed alignment and a new structure with covariation support that is compatible with the same alignment.

To find out more about the method, see the R-scape paper by Rivas et al., 2016. The structures are visualised using R2R.

Species distribution

Sunburst controls



Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.

You can move this pane by dragging it.

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Colour assignments

Archea Archea Eukaryota Eukaryota
Bacteria Bacteria Other sequences Other sequences
Viruses Viruses Unclassified Unclassified
Viroids Viroids Unclassified sequence Unclassified sequence


Click on a node to select that node and its sub-tree.

Clear selection

This visualisation provides a simple graphical representation of the distribution of this family across species. You can find the original interactive tree in the adjacent tab. More...

Tree controls


The tree shows the occurrence of this RNA across different species. More...


Please note: for large trees this can take some time. While the tree is loading, you can safely switch away from this tab but if you browse away from the family page entirely, the tree will not be loaded.


This page displays the predicted phylogenetic tree for the alignment. More...

This tree was built using the fasttree method.

Label the trees using or

Note: You can also download the data file for the seed tree.

Motif matches

There are 1 motifs which match this family.

This section shows the Rfam motifs that match sequences within the seed alignment of this family. Users should be aware that the motifs are structural constructs and do not necessarily conform to taxonomic boundaries in the way that Rfam families do. More...

Original order Motif Accession Motif Description Number of Hits Fraction of Hits Sum of Bits Image
7 RM00005 CsrA/RsmA binding motif 2 0.667 23.4 Match Image


This section shows the database cross-references that we have for this Rfam family.

Literature references

  1. Muller S, Leclerc F, Behm-Ansmant I, Fourmann JB, Charpentier B, Branlant C Nucleic Acids Res. 2008;36:2459-2475. Combined in silico and experimental identification of the Pyrococcus abyssi H/ACA sRNAs and their target sites in ribosomal RNAs. PUBMED:18304947

External database links

Curation and family details

This section shows the detailed information about the Rfam family. We're happy to receive updated or improved alignments for new or existing families. Submit your new alignment and we'll take a look.


Seed source Argasinska J
Structure source Predicted; 18304947;
Type Gene; snRNA; snoRNA; HACA-box;
Author Argasinska JORCID logo
Alignment details
Alignment Number of
full 4
seed 3

Model information

Build commands
cmbuild -F CM SEED
cmcalibrate --mpi CM
Search command
cmsearch --cpu 4 --verbose --nohmmonly -T 30.00 -Z 2958934 CM SEQDB
Gathering cutoff 55.0
Trusted cutoff 55.4
Noise cutoff 49.4
Covariance model Download
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