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Sequence search

Find Rfam families within your sequence of interest. Paste your nucleotide sequence below to search for Rfam families as well as similar sequences from RNAcentral. More...

You can also see the Rfam hits for a given sequence. Enter an EMBL sequence accession.

Batch sequence search

Upload a FASTA-format file containing multiple nucleotide sequences to be searched for matching Rfam families. Results of the search will be returned to you at the email address that you specify. Please check the notes below for the restrictions on uploaded sequence files. More...

Keyword search

Did you know that Rfam has a new keyword search? Try it now →
If you have any feedback, please get in touch.

Search for keywords within the textual data in the Rfam database. More...

Taxonomy search

Did you know that Rfam has a new search that supports queries by NCBI taxonomy IDs? Try it now →
If you have any feedback, please get in touch.

This form supports two types of query: you can enter a complex boolean expression that precisely defines the species distribution of families that you want, such as "Caenorhabditis elegans AND NOT Homo sapiens", or you can check the "Find families unique to query term" box and enter a single taxonomic descriptor, e.g. "apicomplexa" to find all Rfam families that are unique to that particular level. More...

Entry type search

Did you know that Rfam has a new search where you can browse families by type? Try it now →
If you have any feedback, please get in touch.

Search for Rfam families by type. More...

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